12-step programs like AA meetings have had great success over the past few decades in helping people get sober. But since AA started, there have been many advances in addiction recovery. We now have evidence-based treatments and methods to help people get sober and stay sober, such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, and medications.
With all the advancements, you may ask yourself if there are still advantages to participating in a 12-step program. For many, the answer is yes. We’ll discuss the benefits of AA meetings in Baltimore in further detail below.
1. They provide a supportive community for addicts.
One of the most significant benefits of AA meetings is that they provide a community of support for those trying to get sober. Having a strong network is one of the best predictors of a successful recovery and can be one of the biggest challenges for people when they start healing. That’s because most of their old friends still use drugs and alcohol, and meeting new people can often be difficult. Going to AA meetings provides support and social contact with others who are going through a similar experience. Attending those meetings and having a support system can help when you feel stressed or tempted to return to drugs or alcohol.
2. AA meetings are accessible everywhere.
Another benefit of AA meetings is that they are everywhere. Most cities and towns have at least one AA meeting where former addicts and struggling addicts can go for support. This removes the excuse for addicts not to participate and makes it highly convenient. Most cities have meetings within walking distance, making it easy to incorporate into your day.
3. AA meetings in Baltimore help you stay committed to recovery.
It can be challenging if you’re trying to get sober and have been doing it alone. Going to regular AA meetings is an excellent way to stay on the path toward recovery and show your commitment to overcoming addiction. Meetings can remind you of the many hard-learned lessons you’ve learned in recovery and why working to stay sober is essential. Plus, you will have people around you who are going through or have gone through a similar process to what you’re experiencing.
4. AA meetings provide structure for addicts.
If you’ve just started your path to recovery, it’s not good to have too much unstructured time. Boredom and isolation can lead to cravings and a return to bad habits. Having somewhere to be at a regular time and seeing others who support your recovery provides structure to your life and can help keep you grounded.
5. Recovered addicts can help others.
AA meetings allow addicts to help each other, whether you’ve just started your journey toward recovery or been on it for years. Volunteering can improve your self-esteem and sense of gratitude. But it can also help you forget your problems and focus on others. You may even find people with similar backgrounds or stories to yours and be able to help and support each other.
AA Meetings in Baltimore
That concludes our list of benefits of AA meetings for addicts. Whether you’re looking for addiction treatment for yourself or someone you love, we hope this article provides helpful information that will guide you on your journey toward recovery.
At Outreach Recovery, we specialize in providing various proven recovery options for addicts. Give us a call or schedule an appointment on our website. We have locations for our 12-step program in Baltimore and all over the mid-Atlantic.