At Outreach Recovery, we are always looking for ways to make it easier for those struggling with addiction to access the care they need. With telemedicine services, we’ve been able to reach patients in rural areas, help busy men and women get treatment, and allow newcomers to start treatment from the privacy of their own home.
Here are some of the top reasons why our healthcare professionals are choosing telemedicine for substance abuse treatment.
1. Keeps patients and practitioners safe during the global pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, telemedicine is becoming more important every day. Previously, those seeking recovery treatment could expect to meet one-on-one with their practitioner in a private office. These days, that just isn’t possible or practical.
Telemedicine services make it easy for patients to still seek out care while staying home. This will keep patients and recovery professionals safe and healthy until the pandemic resolves.
2. Patients feel more comfortable
Realizing that you have a problem with drugs is a heavy burden to bear. Making the decision to seek treatment might be even more difficult. With telemedicine, men and women who are seeking recovery services can do so from the comfort of their own home.
Once patients feel comfortable with receiving addiction-related treatment, they may be more likely to continue with in-person services or group therapy sessions. In any case, telemedicine offers a non-intimidating way for those struggling to get the help they need.
3. It’s more convenient and accessible for patients
People facing addiction come from all walks of life: business executives, stay-at-home parents, and people living in rural areas. With today’s busy lifestyle, it’s not always possible for patients to sit in traffic for an hour on the way to their addiction counselor’s office.
Telemedicine is the perfect solution to this common problem. As long as patients have access to a smartphone or web-based device, they can immediately connect with their addiction practitioner. This technology is secure and compliant with HIPAA standards, making it possible to provide patients with the same level of confidentiality that they can expect from in-office services.
Telemedicine also makes it easy for patients in rural areas to get the care they need. These patients’ addiction problems are often compounded by the fact that they lack access to recovery services. With telemedicine, high-quality addiction treatment is no longer limited to those living in bigger cities.
4. It can help patients save money
Drug addiction can make it difficult to hold down a steady job. As a result, those burdened by addiction might not seek treatment because it requires gas money, train fare, or other transportation costs.
Telemedicine is a great alternative for patients on a tight-budget. With no need to commute to their recovery center, patients can save money while getting essential care.
5. It’s effective
When it comes to substance abuse treatment, telemedicine can be just as effective as in-person services. In West Virginia, researchers carried out a study that tracked the success of patients whose addictions were managed via buprenorphine therapy. The findings revealed no significant differences between the patients who received face-to-face treatment and telemedicine treatment.
Similarly, a Canadian study showed that one year of methadone therapy via telemedicine had the following results for patients:
- Improved physical and mental health.
- Reduced drug use.
- Reduced relapse and hospitalization rates.
- Reduced mortality.
Simply put, telemedicine works.
Speak to a recovery specialist today
Are you struggling with addiction, and you’re ready to take the next step? Our expert team of clinicians and healthcare professionals would love to help. We specialize in providing medically assisted treatment, such as suboxone therapy, for those suffering from opioid addiction.
Our conveniently located office serves Bowie, MD, and surrounding areas. Contact us today at 888.897.9284 to begin your recovery journey.